It’s an interesting exercise as an artist to look back at past work. I have been looking closely at the types of marks that I make with oil paint and how they have developed. With my oil paintings I always start with a dark background (not black). This for me signifies the blank digital screen that is the source of the images I work from.
Dragging white oil paint across the dry dark background colour creates one of my favourite marks. It has an almost photographic/print like feel and it can also help to depict movement in my work, something I am very often striving to do.

Another mark that I have developed in my most recent work is creating the circular light that is created by Bokeh. Bokeh is an effect that occurs in areas of a photograph that are out of focus. I have always worked in strong contrast and love the dappled light created by sunlight. This form of painting seems to bring these two elements together. You can see more of my bokeh work.

In 2020 I created a small collection of landscapes. They were based on bits of video taken with my iPhone out of the car window on the way to Cornwall.
The rape seed crops were flowering which created these wonderful flashes of bright yellow as we passed by. The dragging of the paint helps to create the feeling of movement as the landscape flashes by. It also helps to depict the blur the rain created on the car window. The art of landscape painting has a long history and I have included a LINK to an informative website looking at female landscape artists.